Sunday, June 29, 2008

Drifting spider webs/trails

Unfortunately, these pictures didn't capture the totality of the amazing scene of spider webs/trails floating across the field to the East.
Did you know? As a young spider comes of age it begins looking for a piece of high ground. This may be only the tip of a blade of grass, a small rock, or perhaps a fence post, but it must be a place where air currents pass. And there the spider waits for a breeze to carry it off. From its spinnerets the spider plays out silken lines like a fly caster testing a trout stream. Soon the spider’s parachute lengthens until it’s large enough to support the creature’s weight; then it becomes airborne. Where it lands only the spider will know. This is usually a phenomenon in the Fall. Think our crazy weather may have caused confusion this year.
If you click on the first picture, it'll blowup and let you see the scene clearly and the wonder of this event. Then just click back and you'll return to the original blog.

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